Friday, June 24, 2011

Choose Your Destiny

What I have for you today is a fun game to play with your sub. I call it "Choose Your Destiny." It's very simple. Make a list of questions that have either multiple choice or yes/no answer. Make your sub answer the list of questions, but without knowing what the question is he's answering.

Here are some sample yes/no questions:
  • Do you want to be gagged?
  • Do you want a butt plug in?
  • Will you be denied orgasm?
  • Will you be spanked?
  • Are you going to go down on me?

The problem with yes/no questions is that answering "yes" is usually the more desirable answer for the sub. Try to word things backwards, as I did with the orgasm in the list. Multiple choice questions really solve this problem better, as you can mix up the answers randomly. Here are some multiple choice questions.
Which do you prefer?
  1. To be gagged
  2. To be blind folded
  3. All of the above
  4. None of the above
What punishment do you deserve?
  1. None
  2. A spanking
  3. No orgasm today
  4. Nipple clamps
What will you lick?
  1. Your feet
  2. Your clit
  3. Your nipples
  4. Your ass
You can put any question you can think of on your list. The possibilities are endless. If you have trouble thinking of questions yourself you can make your sub write out questions for you. Maybe just one a day, and pick from your list of questions at random.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this idea, I might just try it with my sub.
